Tuesday 2 February 2010

Think Geek

I love "Think Geek". Not only can I buy t-shirts and toys but I get emails with new items and hilarious introductions that make me laugh whilst I’m sitting at my desk. I try to explain them to my colleagues but sadly they just don’t understand.

Here is an excerpt:

Oh frabjous day!
In a missive that made designerds and code monkeys everywhere swoon with Valentiney love, our sweetheart Google announced they would stop supporting IE6. Or as our codeslingers call it, IE666. Google pulled out their vorpal blades and with a snicker-snack, they left IE6 dead. Hearing the news was just like being in high school and getting a pass out of P.E. We are chortling with joy. Callooh! Callay!

It is referrencing that wonderful piece of poetry by Lewis Carrol, “The Jabberwocky” which is from “Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There”

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

The full poem can be found in many places including:


Erin Voth said...

Hey lovely, You can read my blog anytime. I almost forgot about your awesome Batman Superman play. That needs to be done again! how about for Candle Ends Mark 2 (this June) I'm working on doing the mini festival again at Brunswick Arts. Will get inot it when I get back from Indonesia on the 12th April. Horay for theatre nerds!

Erin Voth said...

found this site - http://wayofcoffee.com/ - thought you might enjoy it. :)